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Take action: Support the Red Flag Law


Like many mass shooters, the 19-year old suspected of taking the lives of the 17 Parkland students and teachers displayed warning signs prior to the shooting. A red flag law would have empowered family members and law enforcement to seek an Extreme Risk Protection Order, a court order temporarily restricting a person’s access to guns when they pose a danger to self or others. Five states have red flag laws in place today, and while Massachusetts is a leader in gun safety, we have yet to pass a law like this. Please help our state take this step to prevent a tragedy like this from happening here in Massachusetts by contacting your state legislators to express your support for this legislation. Here is a template letter you can use as an alumni, or here is one you can use as an ally. You can find out who your state representative is here:”

Take action: Educate yourself on the Extreme Risk Protective Order bill

Take action: Write a letter to an editor about Red Flag laws


Show the media that there are important steps we can immediately take to make a difference.  Here is a template letter you can use as an alumni, or here is one you can use as an ally. Check your paper’s editorial page for submissions guidelines.

We would like to acknowledge that these action steps primarily relate to MA at the moment, we are working on advocacy steps for other states in New England.

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