Step 2: Call Your Representative(s)
“Hello, my name is _________ and I'm a resident of [neighborhood/city]. I'd like to leave a comment for Representative/Senator _________.
As a [student/teacher/parent], I'm calling to urge Representative/Senator ___________ to favorably release the ERPO bill from the public safety committee.
[Talk about how gun violence affects you/how you feel about gun violence].
Example: We've lost enough lives to gun violence in this country, and we want it to stop!
The person who took the lives of 17 people at Stoneman Douglas High School just over a month ago in Parkland, Florida displayed warning signs prior to the shooting.
A red flag law would have empowered family members and law enforcement to limit his access to guns.
Please help prevent a future tragedy from happening here and let Massachusetts continue to lead our nation in the fight against gun violence by bringing the ERPO bill to the floor for a vote.
Thank you for your time.
(If you are leaving a voicemail, leave your phone number and/or mailing address so that the legislative office can record your comment and respond to you)”